
February 29, 2012

Dear Friend,

My mind travels all the time.
It wanders at the most random of times.
To books to movies to random places to the past to the future.
Concentrating tends to be tiresome for me. Focusing on one point alone is tedious for my mind. It strolls with ease, not caring any bit about reality. 
Forgetting is easy.
Not caring is easier.
Ugh I just want to sleep.

It's 3am and I'm doing my research paper for Filipino and I forgot to buy a five x eight index card and my class starts at eight forty and I don't reckon the bookstore's gonna be open by then.
I'm dying. 
My eyes are drooping and I really don't want to do this anymore.
I don't stay up late for school work, I was never that kind of student to sacrifice my hours of sleep over work that I am disinclined to do.
I just want to take pictures and edit them and write, I don't want to translate English to Filipino.

In utmost pain,

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